La Policía Terrorista en La República de Irlanda

6 de abril de 2011, escrito por Sin comentarios
 Aquí tenemos una "sana" demostración de lo que los Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado pueden llegar a hacer en un maravilloso día primaveral...

Co.Mayo, Irlanda      01/04/2011

Una mujer filma con su cámara la refinería petrolera de la todo poderosa SHELL mientras otras mujeres se organizan para protestar pacíficamente en contra del emplazamiento de la misma.

La detienen, la acosan, la amenazan con violarla... hay varios policias implicados (entre ellos un sargento). Pero cometen un gran error. Le devuelven la cámara a la mujer que para su sorpresa y por accidente, había grabado todo con su camara doméstica... los primeros minutos del vídeo corresponden al arresto (sin cargos) y a partir del 13:28 las amenazas con inmigración y violaciónes múltiples. entre el arresto y el minuto 13:28 lo que se oye (aunque no hay subtítulos) es a los policias organizándose en su cuartada para justificar el arresto!

Ayer, día cinco de abril, la noticia a explotado en los medios y tras 24 horas de "suspense policial" hoy dia seis y tras haber abierto dos investigaciones independientes para esclarecer la conducta de sus "pupilos") la Garda (único cuerpo de policia en Irlanda) aún no se ha dirigido a la mujer para  pedir disculpas (?)


One of the two campaigners, shortly before being arrested by Gardaí in Co Mayo.

The allegations arose when two women travelled to the county to support the Shell to Sea protest. One of them climbed onto a tractor while the other filmed her with a video camera.

As Gardaí arrested them, they were taken to Belmullet Garda Station while the camera was placed into a different patrol car.

On Monday night, Shell to Sea revealed the gardaí did not realise the camera was still recording and when it was handed back to the two women it contained details of a conversation between the gardaí in the patrol car.

Dublin Shell to Sea spokesperson Caoimhe Kerrins said: “This is shocking and extremely serious. It is very frightening for those of us involved in the campaign.

“Gardaí are the people that women are supposed to trust when they need to report a rape. Gardaí are supposed to be responsible for bringing rapists to justice.”

A link to an audio file of the remarks is available at

A video of the entire recording is on Vimeo

The following is an excerpt from the conversation in the patrol car.

Sergeant: “Who is them two lassies, do you know the two of them?

Garda A: “I don’t know the second one, the first one is with blonde hair.”

Unidentified Garda: “She was up on the tractor earlier on.”

Sergeant: “It’d do no harm to get the second one’s name again?

Garda A: “She’s some Yank. I don’t know who the f**k she is.”

Unidentified Garda: “ Is she a Yank?

Garda A: “It sounds like it, it sounds like it, the accent anyway

Unidentified Garda: “Sounds like a Yank or Canadian.”

Garda A: “Well whoever, we’ll get Immigration fucking on her.”

Sergeant: “She refused to give her name and address and told she would be arrested.”

Garda A: “…and deported.”

Sergeant: “And raped.”

Garda A: “I wouldn’t go that far yet…She was living down at that crusty camp, fuck sake, you never know what you might get.”

Sergeant: “Give me your name and address or I’ll rape you.”

Unidentified Garda: “Hold it there, give me your name and address there, I’ll rape you.”

Sergeant: “Or I’ll definitely rape you.”

Unidentified Garda: “Will you be me friend on Facebook?”

(Conversation continues about Facebook in Garda station).

Ahora el Vídeo de la Cámara de la Mujer Agredida

los primeros minutos del vídeo corresponden al arresto (sin cargos) y a partir del 13:28 las amenazas con inmigración y violaciónes múltiples. entre el arresto y el minuto 13:28 lo que se oye (aunque no hay subtítulos) es a los policias organizándose en su cuartada para justificar el arresto!
‘Give me your name and address or I’ll rape you’: the reality of Corrib policing

‘Give me your name and address or I’ll rape you’: the reality of Corrib policing from Dublin Shell to Sea on Vimeo.


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